THis DAmn FUcking WOrld Is KIlling Me


I never wanted to commit suicide that badly since past few years. Everything is just never as it sees. Everything is just wrong about me. I just never get what I really want. I never did give effort for what I want. Everything is just no luck for me. Nothing is ever meant for me. I'm just a toal loser. Everything about me is just ZERO. I'm so god damn despair of myself. i don't feel alive anymore. I never did feel worthy ever since I was born. Everyone just keeping receive better things, but for me is just so impossible. I really don't want to live anymore...

God, please help me?...

2 Comment about my text:

Somethings i want to talk about said...

Eh.. this is some kind of poem that u quote someway is it? why sound so smooth flow...

anyway.. don't call god to help u when u do not even try to help urself...

stop blaming urself for the unworthy consequences, just focus on the positive side.. This world is way too good to look at the bad side.. so why ain't u looking at the flower scene of life..

ur life there are still lot of worthy people who waiting for u to ask for help.. so cheer ..

The Midnite Yip said...


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